# Quick install cmds for some of the tools i use # for Linux & Windows # raw: https://jirm.cz/qi # Install Chocolatey irm https://go.jirm.cz/ch | iex # Install scoop package manager irm https://get.scoop.sh | iex # Install scoop package manager as admin irm https://go.jirm.cz/scoopadmin | iex # age (https://age-encryption.org) curl -s https://go.jirm.cz/i/age.sh | bash irm https://go.jirm.cz/i/age.ps1 | iex # cosign (https://github.com/sigstore/cosign) curl -s https://go.jirm.cz/i/cosign.sh | bash # croc (https://github.com/schollz/croc) curl -s https://go.jirm.cz/i/croc.sh | bash irm https://go.jirm.cz/i/croc.ps1 | iex irm https://go.jirm.cz/i/croc-get.ps1 | iex # only download latest # ctop (https://github.com/bcicen/ctop) curl -s https://go.jirm.cz/i/ctop.sh | bash # ethr (https://github.com/microsoft/ethr) curl -s https://go.jirm.cz/i/ethr.sh | bash irm https://go.jirm.cz/i/ethr.ps1 | iex # lf (https://github.com/gokcehan/lf) curl -s https://go.jirm.cz/i/lf.sh | bash # micro text editor (https://micro-editor.github.io/) curl -s https://go.jirm.cz/i/micro.sh | bash curl -s https://go.jirm.cz/i/micro-nightly.sh | bash irm https://go.jirm.cz/i/micro.ps1 | iex # minisign (https://jedisct1.github.io/minisign/) curl -s https://go.jirm.cz/i/minisign.sh | bash irm https://go.jirm.cz/i/minisign.ps1 | iex # smallstep cli (https://smallstep.com/docs/step-cli) curl -s https://go.jirm.cz/i/step.sh | bash irm https://go.jirm.cz/i/step.ps1 | iex # tigthvnc (https://www.tightvnc.com/) irm https://go.jirm.cz/i/vnc.ps1 | iex # webwormhole cli (https://github.com/gjirm/webwormhole/) curl -s https://go.jirm.cz/i/ww.sh | bash irm https://go.jirm.cz/i/ww.ps1 | iex